Saturday, October 14, 2017

An actual book... for real this time

A bare handful of people might have read my previous saga, way back in 2012 or so, where I was trying to polish up a story originally written in 2005 and thinking (blind fool that I am) that I could make that same story work in an age where technology has grown, where m/f relations have changed, and where TV has become so good that people watch it. Oh, no. I have given that one up... for now. I still love the idea of "enemies with benefits" and I plan to revamp, revise, revisit in good time, but for now...

Cut to 5 years later and I am trying again, this time with something fresh. A short romance, a New Adult romance, a Romantic Comedy (heavy on the comedy), you might even call it mildly paranormal...

The last thing Jake wanted to do with his summer break was volunteer at a flea market, but add in his best friend Molly and a heavy heaping of guilt and he was stuck wasting a perfectly nice day hauling boxes around for old ladies. But then he saw her -- Juliet, his high school crush. A girl so perfect, he couldn't even speak to her then, and it was no different now. 

Of course, that was until one of the old ladies let him test drive her magic crystals. He'd only taken it to be polite. It wasn't like he was stupid enough to believe in the damned things, but suddenly his dream girl was talking to him and maybe even flirting. That was when things took a turn for the worse...

It was as if the damned crystals turned him into some version of Don Juan gone haywire and he's suddenly mauling his poor best friend, Molly, every time she's within three feet. It's insane! It's unnatural! It should be illegal! But then again...


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